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National Assembly A play of Divine Contempt and Arrogance Commentary Nedeljnik Vreme

twenty-odd hours

The author adhered to the classical form of unity of action, time and space The actors in the left part of the stage strictly followed the script, while the performers in the right part were left with the possibility of improvisation, which led to dramatic twists and turns throughout the monotonous performance with many repetitions.

In addition, and because it could have lasted much shorter, it can be said that the play was still successful, if we start from the fact that the purpose of the drama theater is to awaken feelings in the audience and make them think The performance caused a strong feeling of nausea in your critic, primarily thanks to the excellent lead actor.

He managed to convey all the suffering of a ruler who, ironically, came to power in a parliamentary democracy and was forced to deal with ungrateful representatives of a part of the plebs and answer their meaningless questions while demonstrating his supremacy.

Aleksandar Vučić masterfully portrayed his contempt for the entire environment He would respond to every question asked from the right part of the assembly hall with personal attacks on the one who asked it.

If someone, for example, asked him if he would accept some kind of plan for Kosovo, which permeated as a leitmotif throughout the play, he would respond with a tirade about the bad grades that the person who asked the question had in school; or, convincingly evoking righteous anger, how is that someone who asks "stupid" questions, a "liar", "criminal", "ignorant" From the directorate, they sent him personal information about everyone, whom he would lash out at.

Vučić credibly made it known to the other protagonists that he was doing them a favor by descending among them at all, so that they wouldn't even be there, in the Assembly, that he did not allow them to do so by lowering the census from 5 to 3 percent, but that, if they continue like this, he may change his mind He perfectly played the arrogance of a man who fails to hide his feeling of superiority and great contempt.

Who are you anyway, Vučić asked countless times in the twenty-odd hours that the show lasted, to make me think, you who have no reputation in the world, me who meets the powerful of this world on equal footing And he nicely explained to them that he knows everything best and that he has the most experience and that they have nothing smart to say to him, and that they had better listen.

Vučić emphasized that he is not afraid of anyone or anything in this world, let alone them, who are sitting there as deputies thanks to his grace, those who pretend to him that they are some kind of heroes The way in which Vučić showed what the method of twisting words and meaning looks like is truly commendable.

When one of the protagonists opposed to him said something, he would, in order for the people to understand, repeat it all once again, but in such a way as to completely change the meaning of what was previously said This method was followed throughout the performance.

Some hungry people could identify with the feeling of powerlessness, which the performance of the protagonist in the right part of the stage exuded, to deal with the main actor behind the counter, whom they tended to get into trouble, but who had, subjectively, twice as much text as everyone else others together, the right to the last word, the right not to answer a single question and united support followed by applause on the open stage of the protagonists arranged in the left part of the stage no matter what they say or don't say.

Other viewers could identify with the ruler of the scene and through his supremacy feel a rush of their own greatness and importance, the rapture of escaping from poor reality That's why the play succeeded, because it gave everyone the possibility of identification, awakened a feeling of ecstasy in some, despair in others.

The flaw is that the climax was already in the first act, similar to the concerto for piano and orchestra no 1 of Tchaikovsky.

We should also not forget the excellent vladimir orlić in the role of the President of the Parliament, who perfectly complemented Aleksandar Vučić with facial expressions and a tone of utter boredom and great contempt while graciously allowing the main actor's contractors to utter their incoherences and lecturing them, while seeking the approval of their boss with a look of discreet adoration common acting ensemble In the end, it should be said that the protagonists of the parliamentary play adopted by a majority of votes some report of the Government of Serbia on the negotiations on Kosovo from September 2022 to mid-January 2023, which was hardly discussed.

But that was known in advance, it could have been done in five minutes Read daily news, analysis, commentary and interviews at.

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